About me

About me

Albin Amstutz (Bini)
Oertigen 21
6390 Engelberg

DOB: 2.3.1970


Further education

1987 – 1990 Berufslehre als Lastwagenmechaniker

1994 Dipl. Skilehrer/ Schneesportlehrer III

1998 Canyoning Guide SBV

1997 – 1999 Ausbildung zum Dipl. Bergführer SBV/ IVBV

2011 Arbeiten am hängenden Seil II SBV

Further functions

Under my direction the via ferrata in the Engelbergertal and Gantrisch were built. I am responsible for the maintenance of the via ferrata.

As a rescue specialist for helicopters, I am often called on by Alpinrettung Schweiz / REGA to carry out delicate rescue operations.

Experience as a mountain guide
In my many years of experience as an enthusiastic mountain guide, I regularly travel with guests. Various tours in summer and winter lead me again and again through the whole Alpine region, but also Africa and the Himalayas belong to my repertoire.


Sport is also an important balance in my free time: in the rock climbing, with the mountain bike on the mountain or on the water windsurfing. And from time to time it's enough to play hockey on the ice!


Schweizer Bergführerverband SBV

Internationaler Bergführerverband IVBV

SAC Engelberg

Telemarkclub Engelberg

REGA Gönner

About me